Human Subject Protection Training & Outreach
Required human subject research training
Under the direction of the Office of the Vice Provost for Research, Northeastern University requires completion of training on the protection of human subjects and the ethical principles of research for all human subject research (HSR), regardless of whether or not investigators have received funding to support their project. This training is mandatory for all faculty, staff, and students who conduct/supervise HSR whether on campus or off-campus.
Northeastern has an account with CITI, who offers human subject training. All NU affiliates can take this course at no charge. Please note that training is valid for 3 years at NU. Those who continue to be engaged in HSR will be instructed to complete a refresher course. Any training that was completed more than 3 years ago will not satisfy NU IRB training requirements. If you completed this training at another institution, within the 3-year period, simply go into your CITI account and indicate you now an NU affiliate. The NU IRB will consider accepting alternitive training on a study-by-study basis.
The HSRP requires completion of the training module titled CITI Human Subjects Research Stage 1 Basic Course. Note that the Responsible Conduct of Research trainings do not satisfy IRB training requirements.
How to register and complete CITI training:
For new users:
| For users with an existing CITI account:
When you submit a study for review, you will need to include your Human Subjects Research course completion date.
Supplemental Training
The Department of Human Research team puts on outreach events throughout the year and provides on-demand outreach for groups who request it. To request a session, please reach out:
External Event: NIJ: Advancing Justice Through Science
IRB Drop-In Hours (9/16 11am-12pm EST)
College of Professional Studies IRB Drop-In Hours (9/17 10-11am EST)
IRB Drop-In Hours (9/18 12-1pm EST)
We encourage researchers to look at OHPR training offerings:
Please see: