Managing Dual Roles and Existing Relationships in Human Subjects Research 7/5 11am EST

Jul 5 • 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

What are Dual Roles:

Dual roles need to be mitigated when researchers may have multiple and competing responsibilities to research participants, such as teaching a class they intend to study or providing services to potential participants. These situations present unique challenges in study design, especially when researchers aim to study their own students, coaches their athletes, or employees their co-workers, customers, or clients. When researchers have dual roles in a research study, the study needs to actively disentangle these roles and mitigate the impacts of any power dynamics. If these roles are not defined and addressed from the outset, IRB reviews often require significant revisions and the review process takes much longer than need be.

Goals for the Sessions:

This presentation will help investigators navigate the complexities of dual-role research. We will provide strategies to clarify these roles early in the process and explore strategies to mitigate any potential power-dynamics related to dual-role research to ensuring that IRB proposals are well-prepared, facilitating a smooth review process without extensive revisions or confusing back-and-forth communications.


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Meeting ID: 673 195 8460

Jul 5, 2024 | 11:00 AM